Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ah The Big City.

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I'd like to start with a quick sorry for not having the Friday comic up and ready. I was out of town, ran out of time, and didn't get to it.

I just got back from a great time in Seattle. Going to bigger cities than your used to always has advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage is how much more everything costs! For instance parking. "Whats that you say? $50 dollars to park here for three hours, in this questionable neighborhood? Now that's a deal!".  If your ready for it though no big deal. The advantages for me are the different characters and culture, which this weeks comic touches on.

Have a great day everyone.



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Come on...you know you wanna laugh.

Stereotypes, don’t act for a second like you’re against them. They provide comedy like nobody’s business, click HERE for an example. I thought that stereotypes could be a pretty sketch topic to write about, but we all experience them in everyday life so here we go. I suppose stereotypes aren’t strict rules though. You as an individual can break them down take me for example. I’m white, but I’m pretty much a dance guru. The DJ on Microsoft’s Dance Central game wouldn’t lie to me.

Anyways, the comic today was inspired by true events that I experience on the job pushing carts. Click HERE to see how I see myself on the job, just for a window into my mind’s eye. Well kind of a short post this Tuesday, but enjoy the comic. Have a good day everyone!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Txtaholics Anonymous.

I have no problem admitting my phone is my lifeline. Especially today with everything smart phones can do, I rely pretty heavily on it. Ask yourself how many phone numbers do you have memorized? Back as a kid I knew all my friends, and now I think I just know my parents. If I was stranded somewhere without my phone it could get ugly, especially since my parents barely know how to pick up their phone. When Jay and I got into a car accident after checking to see if we were both ok my next question was where my phone was, but come on I just got the iPhone so how was this not a good time to start up some Angry Birds.

Best, and maybe also the worst thing to come from cell and smart phones is texting. Jay answered his dad’s question about why someone would ever text, and not just call. Jay then showed his old man that he could wish fifteen people happy Thanksgiving in an instant. It’s pretty great just sending a text to a friend for a quick “hey” or joke. However, how many of you have had texts backfire on you in dating situations because the entire damn context was lost? Yup count me in. I also notice while people text they are usually a little bit more liberal with flirting, and actions along those lines when you’re safe behind that little phone screen.

Social media is also a huge part of our daily lives now. Take Facebook for example. Do you know how hard it was to actually stalk girls in real life? I mean it gets pretty cold up here in the Inland Northwest. Now they are all just a button click away! That’s what my friends tell me anyway. Seriously though Facebook is a great tool for business’ and friends to share, and stay connected. I just didn’t know how emo everyone was, but I guess if it helps people vent more power to them. I may just use this as my COMMENT to help them out

Anyway, check out the comic link below, and thanks for visiting the site again. Now I have to go update my Facebook status that I just sneezed. Have a good weekend everybody!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Beginning...

Hello and Welcome! Well, I finally started this "thing" up, and I suppose you may want to know what this "thing" is exactly.

This is Our Morning After.

It's been a brain child of mine for awhile, and I decided to give it a go. At it's heart this site is all about comedy and calling things out that we see everyday. Most of the time these comics will be experiences from my life, and there is a good chance that if your reading this, and know me, you could show up in it.

Our Morning After is made up of two parts, the blog and the comic. These two elements will tie into each other depending on the topic of the day. I will release a new post every Tuesday and Friday. I have drawn great inspiration from the site Penny-Arcade so if you see any resemblance that's where it came from.

I came up with the name for this project because most of the time my favorite part of a party or gathering is the next morning. Dragging myself outta bed, grabbing an aspirin, do a quick damage check, and then sit with the roommates and recall what happened last night. One reason is because it's fun reliving it, and hearing peoples highlights. The second reason is that there was a very good chance more than one  of us was blacked out, and its time to hear about what we got up to.

I originally was going to put out colored comics, but decided to go with this gray-black-white speckled look. The reason being how long it took to color, and if i wanted to put more than one comic out a week it would be very tough. With this new look I like to think it looks like a hung-over memory that I'm putting out there. Pretty genius really, or you can just call me lazy either ones cool.

Thanks, for reading this intro to Our Morning After. The next posting will be on Friday, and will be full of great content. Anyways let me introduce you to the main characters of Our Morning After. Just click on the link below to check them out.

Here is the COMIC

Have a great day everyone. Bookmark Our Morning After, and thanks again for checking us out.

C. Parker